The first few prints were printed by USB with the printed hooked up to the computer. Our very first print was an Ultimaker Robot. It printed, but the layers were uneven and the hands lacked support in the file we found, but overall this print was successful in the sense that it made the shape of a robot. We played with the settings, but we still lacked the desired qualities of the robot.
The next thing I wanted to print was a phone case. About halfway the plastic stopped coming out but the printer still went through the motions of printing the layers. This puzzled me, and I tried other prints, only to find the same pattern of stopping halfway. The problem was soon found to be with the extrude mechanism. The plastic went through, but the lever was put on loosely and not popped in place, so there was no pressure on the plastic once it reached a certain point in the print. Once this was fixed, the prints went much smoother, and I could now work with the options involving nozzle and bed temperature, retraction, and acceleration.